



You have seen many times the changes that sudden fear will make instantaneously in a person's lace It is not a pretty sight. You know how you feel when you are frightened. The changes that this upset condition bring about are both physiological and psychological.

Persons who live under these emotions continually actually effect changes in their chemistry that are among the causes of functional illnesses. Fear, worry, and doubt are among the most destructive emotions that we experience. These, emotions are at the root of such chronic conditions as unhappiness, nervousness, temper tantrums, and lack of energy. These same emotions influonce the flow of the endocrine gland system and change the delicate balance that means good health and clear thinking.

When one permits such destructive emotions to rule or influence most of his living the chances for health and happiness are reduced to practically nothing. Space will not permit the complete discussion of the multitudinous negative effects of fear upon the human personality. However you may be sure that when you observe the following reactions and characteristics, the per-


son exhibiting them is living under a repressed fear thought. The most common of the repressed fear thought reactions are revenge, jealousy, resentment, doubt, hate, stubborness, mental cowardice, procrastination, and alibi.

No one likes to admit to these negative and destructive activities, and it is usual for each of us to "cover-up" and camouflage our mo tives. The extra effort to effect this camouflage is one of the causes of tension. Tension, fear, doubt, and worry are present in most cases of heart failure, stroke, peptic ulcers, and other functional illnesses.

Because of the fear thoughts we harbor and the tension that is the. natural result of fear, many of our plans and ambitions go wrong and we are forced to admit failure. At this stage the human personality has to add another destructive force to the list, frustration.

Here you have the unholy trio; fear, tension, and frustration. Each one is enough to cause a person to miss the mark he has set for himself. With all three at work it is little wonder that we live in a world full of the "almost-well" and the "half-waysuccessful."

Fortunately there is a way to rid

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oneself of the emotional reaction to such impressions. And at the same time to build into the automatic reaction pattern of the individual the desired mental habit patterns. Let us say that you are the victim of a failure complex. So far in your life everything that has been important to you has not turned out well. You are being conditioned to expect that it will always be so. When something new turns up you say to your self: "Well, it almost worked for me last time, maybe it will work this time," and you start the same old routine that has almost worked for you for years. Naturally you are going to have the same result this time because you started out with the failure complex

Now when it does fail, you will automatically rationalize and invent excuses for the failure All of these excuses are real to you. And because they are real, no other idea will come to you to stop you from making the same old mistakes over and over again.

No one likes to discuss his failures. This makes it necessary to bury them deep in the subconscious. The constant placing of all failure patterns into the subconscious fills the

individual with failure reaction pattems.

Success comes to some of us in a way that looks phenomenal to the casual observer Yet each time we analyze the component parts of success, it is usually gained by following the rules.

As long as we consider ourselves intelligent, we admit that we are capable and willing to loam better ways to accomplish our purposes.

Now is the time to take stock of our personal inventory and to apply our intelligence to the purpose of making ourselves more productive and to realize the fruits of our labor

By protecting ourselves through an understanding of our minds and bodies, we are able to prolong our best years, physically and mentally

Each individual should learn to rid his mind of the fear thoughts that are tied up inside. It is these thoughts and the emotional results of these thoughts that are influential to a marked degree in cases of premature ageing, personality breakdown, and unsatisfactory relationships.

It is up to you to decide whether you are going to rule your emotions or let your emotions rule you.
